Just a few new camera photos to share

Here are a few recent camera photos. Not photos taken by a camera of course- they were but photos OF cameras. Here we have a few new aquisitions including a Minolta SR-7, Exakta VX IIa, Nikon F, Nikkormat, and Mamiya 1000.

Actually, maybe here is a good place to announce this: I'm looking for models to show using these and other cameras in my collection to display here. Ideally I thought'd be fun to photograph people who have the look of the vintage of cameras in my collection. So maybe clean cut and elegant for early 1960's camera models, a more hair and colorful clothing for 1970's models, and bold solid colors and shoulderpads for 1980's.... or you tell me. I'm not very fashionable. 

Women and men welcome, if interested please: let me know you're within easy travel distance of Alameda, CA, shoot me a recent photo of you and the era you're interested in and when you can shoot. Thanks!


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